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The sewing dimensions may not match due to the accumulation of slight deviations such as the thickness of the leather, the core material, or the thickness of the core material, and it may not be possible to make it neatly. Also, depending on the performance of the printer and the expansion and contraction of the paper, the output may not be accurate, so check the areas where you need to be careful about the deviation of 1 mm (0.0394 inch) before using.
革の厚みや、芯材又は、芯材の厚みなど、微妙なズレの積み重ねで縫製寸法がが合わなくなり、綺麗に作れなくなる場合があります。 又、プリンターの性能、用紙の伸び縮によって正確な寸法で出力されない場合があるため、1mm(0.0394インチ)単位のズレを注意しなければ行けない箇所は、確認してからご使用ください。
Click here for an article on how to make
Paid version(有料版)
In the paid version of the paper pattern, information such as the thickness of the core material is added to the free plus α, and the paper pattern that is not attached to the free is attached.